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dalla e-zine "Oxygen" - lower body

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    dalla e-zine "Oxygen" - lower body

    riporto un articolo che mi sembra interessante, sull'allenamento specifico x la parte inferiore del corpo x donne

    THE WORKOUT Great glutes require doing mostly compound, multi-joint exercises that involve straightening your body from a bent-hip position. For this workout, keep your reps high and your weight light so you can focus on toning rather than building mass. For best results, do this workout twice a week. Start off with three sets of 12 to 15 reps, and then work up to four sets. Remember to keep your muscles challenged – increase the weight once you can do 15 with ease.

    PLIE SQUAT – Glutes, hips and thighs This is an all-over lower body exercise. Unlike the traditional squat, plie squats blast the butt, while working the hips and inner-thighs. You can do this exercise using your own body weight, or with a barbell across the shoulders. To start off, stand tall, with your feet a little wider than shoulder-width, and the toes pointed outwards. Inhale, bend at the knees and lower your body in a straight line, so your knees move out over your toes. Stop when your thighs are about parallel to the floor. Hold for a moment, exhale, and than push back up to the starting position.Tip: To really blast the buns, squeeze the glutes on the way up, and push your hips slightly forward.

    BOX LUNGES – Buns, hips and thighs Using a bench for lunges allows you to shift the focus from the thighs to the glutes and hamstrings. For best results, use a bench that is about five to seven inches tall. If the bench is too high, you can injure your knees and lower back. You can do this exercise using your own body weight, or by holding a dumbbell in each hand. To begin, stand with your feet together, head up and back straight. Next, step forward with the left leg and place the foot flat on the bench. At this point, the knees should be at about a 90-degree angle, the thighs parallel to the floor. Exhale, push off through the heel, and return back to a standing position. Repeat with the other leg.Tip: Land softly on the bench. This will protect your knees and challenge your leg muscles too.

    DUMBBELL HAM CURLS – Glutes and hams The slower you move with this exercise, the more muscle fibers you use. This is an excellent move to develop glutes and hamstring definition because you have to use your entire lower body to hold the weight between your feet. Lie down on an exercise bench, with the shoulders, hips and knees pressed into the pad. Place a dumbbell between your feet, and hold onto the sides of the bench. Bend at the knees, and slowly lower the toes towards the floor. Stop when the ankles are about parallel to the floor. Exhale, squeeze the glutes and hamstrings, and lift the feet back to the start.Tip: Keep the glute muscles contracted through the entire exercise so the dumbbell stays between the feet.

    REAR CABLE EXTENSIONS – Hips and Thighs This exercise helps to separate the bottom of the glutes from the top of the hamstrings. It’s a great sculpting move that should be done slowly, with control. Attach a cable to the right ankle, and stand tall with the feet together, facing the cable station. With the shoulders and hips square, lift the right leg behind you, squeezing the butt on the way out. Stop just before the back starts to arch. Hold for a moment and than control the cable back to the standing position. Once you’re finished with the right leg, do the same on the left.Tip: With this exercise, it’s easy to use momentum. Make sure the only movement that happens occurs at the hip joint.

    SINGLE-LEG HAMSTRING CURL – Hams and glutes The back of the legs, just under the buttocks, is one of the most difficult places to develop. This exercise lets you focus on this area, one leg at a time. To begin, face the seat of a leg extension machine, and position yourself between the seat and the padded roller. Tuck the leg you’re going to exercise under the foot roller. Next lean forward from the hips and hold onto the machine. Exhale and curl the leg slowly towards the butt, flexing the hamstrings on the way up. Stop jut before the heel touches the glutes. Pause for a moment, and then gently return the leg back to the start.Tip: The upper thighs stay still throughout the entire exercise – the only movement happens at the knee joint.

    vorrei sapere il vostro prere su questi esercizi...


    Re: dalla e-zine "Oxygen" - lower body

    Originally posted by kappa
    riporto un articolo che mi sembra interessante...
    E che c'entro io???

    Ok, ok, scusa l'intrusione...


      Sono felice che l'articolo vi sia piaciuto...



        Originally posted by kappa
        Sono felice che l'articolo vi sia piaciuto...


        a dire la verità quando ho letto il titolo pensavo parlassi del celeberrimo locale di londra dove somministrano ossigeno puro ai clienti!!!
        Una sera,ho fatto sedere la bellezza sulle mie ginocchia;
        e l'ho trovata amara,e l'ho insultata.
        Mi sono armato contro la giustizia.
        Sono fuggito.
        Oh streghe,miseria,odio,a voi,e' stato affidato il mio tesoro!
        Mi riuscì di far dileguare dal mio spirito tutta l'umana speranza.
        Su ogni gioia per soffocarla ho fatto il balzo sordo della bestia feroce.
        Ho invocato i carnefici per addentare,morendo,il calcio dei loro fucili.
        Ho invocato i flagelli per asfissiarmi nella sabbia,nel sangue.Il malanno e' stato
        il mio dio.
        Mi sono disteso nel fango.Mi sono asciugato al vento del delitto.
        E alla follia ho giocato qualche brutto tiro.
        E la primavera mi ha portato il riso atroce dell' idiota.


          K per i femorali e i glutei IMHO il meglio sono leg curl o cmq un altro movimeto di contrazione +"concentrato" seguiti dopo un breve recupero(90", 2 '00") dagli stacchi g.t.

          Nn conviene giocare troppo su alte reps, ma visto che gli stacchi possono essere pericolosetti, meglio stare sulle basse reps nell'esercizio di contrazione e stare sulle 10-12 reps negli stacchi....prova

          io ho il culo che sembra formato da 2 panettoni doppo leg curl e agli stacchi aggiungi delle iperestensioni che coinvolgano femorali\glutei oltre alla bassa schiena...beh, visivamente è assurdo

          Originally posted by buldozer
          "sE QuAlCOSa mI Và sTORtO LO rADdRIzzO A cALCI iN CuLO!"

          -A.D.B.A. Registered-


            Originally posted by Zio

            io ho il culo che sembra formato da 2 panettoni doppo leg curl e agli stacchi aggiungi delle iperestensioni che coinvolgano femorali\glutei oltre alla bassa schiena...beh, visivamente è assurdo
            Niente che sia d'oro resta...


              Originally posted by Jerrika
              esatto UP è proprio quello che succede al culame

              Originally posted by buldozer
              LO CONOSCHI HA RIKI
              "sE QuAlCOSa mI Và sTORtO LO rADdRIzzO A cALCI iN CuLO!"

              -A.D.B.A. Registered-


                Vero, ma non dimentichiamoci la squat che gli dà quella forma perfetta, e gli affndi alla pt che fa levitare le chiappe meglio di un incantatore di serpenti indiano!

                personalemente il mio "problema" al momento è sviluppare il ventre del femorale....


