Ho deciso di creare questo tread per raccogliere tutte le news, foto, video, insomma materiale recente dei pro 
Se avete altro materiale postatelo tranquillamente qui
Troy Alves

Jason Huh 294 lbs

---------- Post added at 07:47:35 ---------- Previous post was at 07:32:37 ----------
Seth Feroce

Se avete altro materiale postatelo tranquillamente qui

Troy Alves

Jason Huh 294 lbs

Stan RHINO Efferding 210 lbs Incline Dumbbell Presses
Flex Lewis an Centopani : at the 2011 WA Ironman
Johnnie Jackson
Jay Cutler Shoulders Workout
Flex Lewis an Centopani : at the 2011 WA Ironman
Johnnie Jackson
Jay Cutler Shoulders Workout
---------- Post added at 07:47:35 ---------- Previous post was at 07:32:37 ----------
Seth Feroce