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Taurina Raw

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    io la uso 5+5+5 giorni on pre-colazone/pre-wo/post-wo

    giorni off: 5+5 pre-colazione/ pre-spuntino

    la taurina è sodio dipendente e lavora in sinergia con la creatina monoidrata
    Personal Trainer - Istruttore Body Building e Fitness

    Instagram: 85dagochri


      Originariamente Scritto da diavolettoroma81 Visualizza Messaggio
      Cacchio ragà tutti a scuola da Master Wallace
      no l'ho scoperto oggi che lui dice/diceva questa cosa


        Secondo me è uno di quegli integratori che volendo si potrebbe assumere in qualsiasi momento , per via dei molteplici effetti.
        Anche prenanna...
        Originariamente Scritto da Leonida
        gary io più ti leggo e più maledico l' alfabetizzazione, la democrazia e la rivoluzione francese, tu dovevi coltivare il tuo manso in padania dietro un affitto che dovevi al tuo signore.
        Originariamente Scritto da Bad Girl
        ho sempre pensato che tu hai proprio bisogno di prenderlo di più,scusami se te lo dico ma ricordi me ai tempi della tristezza..per me puoi cambiare, se ce l'ho fatta io.. puoi farcela anche tu
        Originariamente Scritto da gorgone
        ma manca la verità più vera, le donne non vanno ascoltate, ma virilmente guidate.


          in questo momento però sto assumendo jack3d pre-wo e non assumo la taurina perche ci sono studi che affermano che va in contrasto con la beta alanina
          Personal Trainer - Istruttore Body Building e Fitness

          Instagram: 85dagochri


            Interaction of taurine on baclofen intestinal abso... [J Pharm Sci. 1996] - PubMed result

            Demonstration of H+- and Na+-coupled co-transport of beta-alanine by luminal membrane vesicles of rabbit proximal tubule.

            "Taurine was found to inhibit beta-alanine uptake into neurons and astrocytes in a competitive manner, with Ki values of 217 microM in neurons and 24 microM in astrocytes. beta-Alanine was shown to inhibit taurine uptake in neurons and astrocytes, also in a competitive manner, with Ki values of 72 microM in neurons and 71 microM in astrocytes."


            "The uptake systems for taurine and beta-alanine were thus in principle similar, and they exhibited certain characteristics typical for a neurotransmitter amino acid. The inhibition studies further suggest the existence of only one common transport system for taurine, beta-alanine, and GABA in cultured primary astrocytes. The same uptake system may also be used for hypotaurine."

            Personal Trainer - Istruttore Body Building e Fitness

            Instagram: 85dagochri


              There are two so called potential issues with Beta-Alanine and taurine. These two potential issues are the root cause of the confusion spread on the forums and even within some magazines.

              The potential issues are as follows:

              1. Decreased Beta-Alanine uptake due to both beta-alanine and taurine sharing the same transporter. The thought is, the competition for absorption will decrease Beta-alanine's ability to increase intramuscular CARN concentrations.

              2. Taurine loss from the body,as Beta-alanine causes blood plasma taurine levels to elevate. Many people jump all over a few animal studies.

              Anyway, here are the answers:

              Potential issue One:
              The supposed taurine competition issue is also NOT an issue, as clearly stated by the pioneer of Beta-Alanine research Dr.Harris. He states in his most recent study that the increase in muscle CARN with B-Alanine supplementation did not appear to be reduced by the presence of taurine. If you do not believe his word on Beta-Alanine, I don't know what to tell you, as he is THE worlds authority on Beta-Alanine research related to exercise performance. Check MD article for our full answer. In a nutshell, intramuscular CARN concentrations are no different when supplementing with Beta-alanine alone or adding taurine into the mix as the research CLEARLY shows.

              Potential issue two:
              This issue gained popularity on the forums based on some rat studies that showed beta-alanine decreased the taurine content in the myocardium by half. These studies were using doses that are over 100 times higher than the highest Beta-alanine studies of 6.4 grams a day. These rat studies aren't even relevant to how we use Beta-Alanine in terms of dosage.

              Beta-alanine does cause taurine levels to increase in the blood plasma, leading some to believe that we are actually losing alot of it from the body through excreting it in the urine. But from multiple studies now, the researchers have shown the taurine loss in the urine, is NOT at any level of significance.

              Dr.Tallon who you may have seen debating in within this thread, put it into context quite nicely, when he said a glass of milk would replace the amount of taurine loss shown in the beta-alanine studies. He has his PhD in carnosine metabolism and his words on the topic hold alot of weight.
              Personal Trainer - Istruttore Body Building e Fitness

              Instagram: 85dagochri


                Originariamente Scritto da mr oat Visualizza Messaggio
                io la uso 5+5+5 giorni on pre-colazone/pre-wo/post-wo

                giorni off: 5+5 pre-colazione/ pre-spuntino

                la taurina è sodio dipendente e lavora in sinergia con la creatina monoidrata

                Che bel dosaggio Chri

                Come sempre e molto soggettiva la cosa,ad un altro quel dosaggio gli fa passare l intera giornata al cesso...
                Infatti io parto con cautela,poi in caso aumento()


                  Originariamente Scritto da mr oat Visualizza Messaggio
                  Interaction of taurine on baclofen intestinal abso... [J Pharm Sci. 1996] - PubMed result

                  Demonstration of H+- and Na+-coupled co-transport of beta-alanine by luminal membrane vesicles of rabbit proximal tubule.

                  "Taurine was found to inhibit beta-alanine uptake into neurons and astrocytes in a competitive manner, with Ki values of 217 microM in neurons and 24 microM in astrocytes. beta-Alanine was shown to inhibit taurine uptake in neurons and astrocytes, also in a competitive manner, with Ki values of 72 microM in neurons and 71 microM in astrocytes."


                  "The uptake systems for taurine and beta-alanine were thus in principle similar, and they exhibited certain characteristics typical for a neurotransmitter amino acid. The inhibition studies further suggest the existence of only one common transport system for taurine, beta-alanine, and GABA in cultured primary astrocytes. The same uptake system may also be used for hypotaurine."

                  Piccolo appunto...anche se vado a memoria, se non sbaglio nell'intestino e nei muscoli il trasporto avviene tramite un diverso trasportatore rispetto ai neuroni.
                  Ingegnere biochimico
                  Tecnologo alimentare
                  Nutrizionista sportivo
                  Zone Consultant
                  Personal trainer
                  Membro ACSM, SiNSEB, ISSN, SINU
                  Consulente sviluppo e caratterizzazione integratori
                  Docente di nutrizione ed integrazione nello sport presso SaNIS, ACS, 4MOVE ed EdiErmes
                  Consulente FIT, FIGC e WKF
                  Nutrizionista Benetton Treviso Rugby


                    Originariamente Scritto da brosgym Visualizza Messaggio
                    Piccolo appunto...anche se vado a memoria, se non sbaglio nell'intestino e nei muscoli il trasporto avviene tramite un diverso trasportatore rispetto ai neuroni.
                    umh..sinceramente non saprei darti una risposta certa..
                    Personal Trainer - Istruttore Body Building e Fitness

                    Instagram: 85dagochri


                      Originariamente Scritto da mr oat Visualizza Messaggio
                      io la uso 5+5+5 giorni on pre-colazone/pre-wo/post-wo

                      giorni off: 5+5 pre-colazione/ pre-spuntino

                      la taurina è sodio dipendente e lavora in sinergia con la creatina monoidrata
                      azzz che protocolloooooo


                        Oggi inizio l'assunzione di taurina con un protocollo leggerino
                        2gr pre e 2gr post
                        Sto per una settimana stabile così se non la sento aumento


                          Ieri presi 2gr pre e 2gr post (diciamo abbondanti i 2gr il mio misurino non è così preciso ) e altri 2 gr stamattina nessun sintomo intestino

