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- Takeshi Saitama routine -

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    Originariamente Scritto da Sly83 Visualizza Messaggio
    E’ un diario piacevole da leggere e anche simpatico, e si capisce che ti impegni a trasmettere i concetti

    Arigato gozaimasu

    Originariamente Scritto da fedeita Visualizza Messaggio
    Omae wa mou shindeiru.


      Originariamente Scritto da ThiBezerra Visualizza Messaggio


      8 x 35
      7 x 40
      5 x 45
      5 x 50
      4 x 53 (mio limite nell'allenamento precedente)
      3 x 55 (new record ... deluso)

      - Goals:

      Forse ritornare di fare main lifts con gli carichi che facevo prima di lockdown
      Squat: 67kg ogni lati
      Bench press: 47kg ogni lati
      Dead lift: 60kg ogni lati
      Però ero 90kg, adesso sono 80kg

      - Results:

      Squat: 55kg ogni lati
      Ho aumentato due chilogrammi di ogni lati.
      Sarebbe meglio scrivere il peso totale, bilanciere+ pesi.

      Should be better to write Total Weight, barbell+weights.



        Originariamente Scritto da riccardo III Visualizza Messaggio
        Sarebbe meglio scrivere il peso totale, bilanciere+ pesi.

        Should be better to write Total Weight, barbell+weights.

        Come fanno gli Weight Lifters ...
        Credo che così sarà migliore, che pensi?

        1st: 8 x 85kg
        2nd: 6 x 95kg
        3rd: 5 x 105kg

        E ovviamente, grazie mille per il consiglio.


          - Takeshi Saitama Routine -

          - Migliorando -

          - Intro:

          Ancora sì, sono migliorando di quella sofferenza in mio
          femoralle sinistro, Penso che già sono 75% bene.
          Ma bene, come non ho ancora parlato su allenamento
          "Power Building B"
          Oggi voglio riportare la mia piccola evoluzione in
          due allenamento B, ricordando che sono fato questi due,
          male delle femorale

          Watashi no namae wa Takeshi Saitama desu
          (My name is Takeshi Saitama)

          - Training:

          Prima di tutto voglio confessare che ... appena ho arrivato in
          palestra, capito che non ho portato l'annotazione di allenamento B,
          quindi ... ho fatto quello che ho ricordato e quello che era simile...

          Power Building - B

          Solo main lifts sarano registrato gli carichig

          1)(Acc)Lat machine avanti
          (Acc)Curl concentrato manubrio singolo
          (Acc) Hiperextension

          2)(ML)Pulley basso impugnatura neutra
          (Acc) Curl a martello
          (Acc) ABS
          In verita vorrei fare Bent over rows come il Main Lift,
          però preferisco lasciare femorale di canto ma solo per un po.

          Pulley basso neutro:
          1st: 12 x 12 blocchi (forse ognuno sia 5kg?)
          2nd: 10 x 13 blocchi
          3rd: 8 x 14 blocchi
          4th: 6 x 15 blocchi
          5th: 5 x 16 blocchi
          6th: 3 x 17 blocchi

          3)(Acc)Leg curl sdraiato
          (Acc) Avambraccio
          (Acc) ABS

          4)(ML)Dead lift
          (Acc) Avambraccio

          Dead lift:
          1st: 10 x 75kg
          2nd: 8 x 85kg
          3rd: 8 x 85kg
          4th: 5 x 95kg
          E non ho sentito niente in mio femorale sinistro.

          - Closure:

          Quando mio femorale arrivare in 100% voglio trovare
          o il ciclista pazzo o il corritore per più una sfida.

          See you all next time,
          I'm just another asian trying to be like water my friend...

          Last edited by ThiBezerra; 30-04-2021, 16:17:48.


            - Takeshi Saitama Routine -

            - Una sfida chiamata Squat -


            - Intro:

            Squat non è ne anche il mio migliore main lift ne anche il mio
            peggiore, però di sicuro posso dire che è lo che più mi disturba
            di non riuscire evolvere di modo che voglio.
            Prima di tutto, ciao a tutti voi, e oggi andiamo a parlare su
            Squat in principale (l'allenamento A).
            Ma anche di cominciare ... ho dimenticato di nuovo l'anottazione

            Watashi no namae wa Takeshi Saitama desu
            (My name is Takeshi Saitama)

            - Training:

            Power building - A:
            1) (ML) Bench press + Leg extension + Deltoidi posteriori
            2) (ML) Squat + Cross Over + Tricipiti
            3) Pull Over + ABS + Avanbraccio
            4) Deltoidi laterale + Deltoidi anteriore

            Bench Press:
            1st: 12 x 65kg
            2nd: 10 x 75kg
            3rd: 5 x 85kg
            4th: 3 x 89kg
            5th: 2 x 91kg (non sono riuscito a superare mio Current record)
            ... ma va bene, non c'è problema ...

            1st: 8 x 85kg
            2nd: 8 x 95kg
            3rd: 5 x 105kg
            4th: 5 x 115kg
            5th: 4 x 121kg
            6th: 3 x 125kg
            7th: 2 x 129kg
            8th: 1 x 131kg (New record, ho superato mio old record
            in 8kg però, non va bene di nulla, e c'e tutti dei problemi
            perchè volevo più peso ma, questo sono andato tutto che
            ho riuscito alzare).

            Adesso se voglio posso calcolare la % dell'intensità delle squat,
            ho trovato la mia 1RM

            - Diet:

            Libere e dimagrendo, non è una cosa comune
            per un MesoEndomorfo!

            - Goals:

            Migliorare gli numeri in Squat!!!

            - Results:

            Migliora di 8kg in Squat.

            - Closure:

            Stavo pensando perche mi disturba tanto non riuscire di evolvere
            come io voglio in Squat,credo che sia perché Squat è il Main Lift
            che più mi piace.
            Ma vamo piano piano, ciò che conta è evolvere sempre.

            See you all next time, and I'm just another asian trying to be like water my friend...
            Last edited by ThiBezerra; 01-05-2021, 21:42:23.



              - Hand Note! -


              - Intro:

              Dealing with my pain on the left hamstring,
              somedays I'm 80% and others I'm 90%.
              The most important of all this is, my hamstring
              is recovering (Thanks Jesus).
              And for you who followed my trajectory up here,
              this time I can say, I won't be dunk 3x, I made
              something to remember my training program.

              Watashi no namae wa Takeshi Saitama desu
              (My name is Takeshi Saitama)

              - Training:

              The solution to not forget my training anymore was:

              Power building - B:
              1) Pull ups + Concentration curls + Hyperextension
              2) (ML) B.O. row on T bar + Hammer curl + Leg curl
              3) (ML) Dead lift + Pull down + Rear Delts
              4) Shrugs + ABS + Forearms

              But in the middle of my training:

              Before main lifts, I recorded Pull ups and I want to share with you all:
              7 x 10kg

              And the painfull end lol:

              Main lifts:
              Bent over row on T bar
              1: 15 x 60kg
              2: 10 x 75kg
              3: 8 x 85kg
              4: 5 x 95kg Current record

              Dead lift
              1: 10 x 75kg
              2: 8 x 85kg
              3: 5 x 95kg Old record
              4: 5 x 105kg
              5: 5 x 115kg New record

              Complete dead lift with 115kg, recovering from
              pain in the hamstring, it made me happy
              I feel like I can quickly reach 135kg when I’m 100%.
              And my notes at the end of the training session:

              - Results:

              Evolution of 20kg in Dead lift

              - Closure:

              Happy with my evolution on dead lift, because it means
              my hamstring is getting better, soon I will come back to
              do sprints at streets again.

              See you all next time, and I'm just another asian trying
              to be like water my friend...

              Last edited by ThiBezerra; 07-05-2021, 22:31:26.



                un diario davvero bello da seguire

                Originariamente Scritto da Giampo93
                Finché c'è emivita c'è Speran*a


                  Originariamente Scritto da Sly83 Visualizza Messaggio

                  un diario davvero bello da seguire
                  Grazie mille mio amico, sto mettendo in pratica gli consigli su deltoidi posteriori.
                  quando vuoi, sentiti libero di esprimere la tua opinione, così io saprò come migliorare la mia narrativa.


                    - Takeshi Saitama Routine -

                    - TMNT -


                    - Intro:

                    In this day I came to the gym having in
                    mind to progress in Squat, and that was all
                    what mattered to me, but the youth has
                    suprised me, asking me how to train, how to diet and if we
                    could be friends ... and this was better
                    than any progress that I had in my trajectory.
                    This part of my life ... this ... little part ...
                    is called happyness (The pursuit of happynes)

                    Watashi no namae wa Takeshi Saitama desu
                    (My name is Takeshi Saitama)

                    - Training:

                    Power building - A:
                    1) (ML) Bench press + Leg extension + Rear delts
                    2) (ML) Squat + Cross Over + Triceps
                    3) Pull Over + ABS + Fore arms
                    4) Side delt + Front delt

                    As the equipment in my gym that I was using
                    is not so heavy in loads, I had to do some
                    adaptations for triceps:

                    Bench Press:
                    1st: 15 x 65kg
                    2nd: 12 x 75kg
                    3rd: 7 x 85kg
                    4th: 5 x 93kg
                    5th: 3 x 99kg New Record!

                    1st: 10 x 85kg
                    2nd: 7 x 95kg
                    3rd: 5 x 105kg
                    4th: 5 x 115kg
                    5th: 5 x 125kg
                    6th: 3 x 135kg
                    7th: 1 x 139kg New Record!

                    - Results:

                    Bench Press: 99kg
                    Squat: 139kg

                    - Closure:

                    And at the end of the training they was running on threadmill:


                    See you all next time, and I'm just another asian trying
                    to be like water my friend...



                      Originariamente Scritto da Giampo93
                      Finché c'è emivita c'è Speran*a


                        Originariamente Scritto da Sly83 Visualizza Messaggio
                        thanks, lol


                          - Takeshi Saitama Routine -

                          - Hiei's Dead Lifts -


                          - Intro:

                          And more one day training, doing what I most
                          like to do, train is the thing that brings meaning
                          to my life!!!

                          Watashi no namae wa Takeshi Saitama desu
                          (My name is Takeshi Saitama)

                          - Training:

                          As a Power Building - B day, I was a beat nervous
                          because I don't knew if my hamstring would be
                          good enough to do some decent dead lifts.
                          And the result was ...

                          Power building - B:
                          1) Pull ups + Concentration curls + Hyperextension
                          2) (ML) B.O. row on T bar + Hammer curl + Leg curl
                          3) (ML) Dead lift + Pull down + Rear Delts
                          4) Shrugs + ABS + Forearms

                          As I had some fun doing pull ups with
                          additional weight, I have in mind to continue
                          showing evolution on this moviment

                          Pull ups
                          1st: 10 x B.W. (Body weight)
                          2nd: 8 x B.W. + 4kg
                          3rd: 6 x B.W + 8kg
                          4th: 5 x B.W + 12kg
                          5th: 5 x B.W + 14kg Current record!
                          6th: 5 x B.W + 16kg New record!

                          Main lifts:
                          Bent over row on T bar
                          1st: 15 x 65kg
                          2nd: 10 x 75kg

                          I thought that I started with a good peformance,
                          doing awesome to break another personal record,
                          but maybe pull ups has exhausted me and
                          my good performance came to shameful performance

                          3rd: 3 x 85kg (I don't even reached my current record > 95kg)
                          4th: 6 x 75kg (Upset...)

                          Dead lift
                          I already got here with no confindence, but ...

                          1st: 10 x 85kg
                          2nd: 8 x 95kg
                          3rd: 5 x 115kg Current record
                          4th: 5 x 125kg
                          5th: 3 x 129kg
                          6th: 1 x 131kg New record!
                          Hiei brought me lucky:

                          Hiei's sweaty t-shirt:

                          - Goals:

                          Someone think that I am training for the olympics

                          - Results:

                          Pull ups: 5 x B.W + 16kg
                          Dead lift: 1 x 131kg

                          - Closure:

                          Sometimes I think I will be succeed in front of all
                          loads and then I get defeated, and sometimes
                          with no confidence I overcome the loads ...
                          Why? I don't know. Do you know?

                          See you all next time, and I'm just another asian trying
                          to be like water my friend...


                            - Takeshi Saitama Routine -

                            - Tokyo 2020 -


                            - Intro:

                            As time goes by, more I think about olympic games,
                            since child this was the coolest event to me, I always felt
                            adrenaline seeing this competition, through the high
                            level of performance one thing always caught my eye, the
                            plasticity of the movement (the beauty behind the
                            Nowadays, olympics still is the biggest event to me!
                            And of course I am rooting for some countries on Asia,
                            Japan, China, South and North Korea, Mongolia And Kazakhstan.
                            About Kazakhstan, on Amateur Boxing they (My opinion)
                            are the new potency on this sport.
                            Words from a huge fan from

                            Serik Sapiyev - Kazakhstan:
                            69kg Gold medal - 2012 olympics (London)
                            Val Barker Trophy for best boxer at London 2012

                            Watashi no namae wa Takeshi Saitama desu
                            (My name is Takeshi Saitama)

                            - Training:

                            Power building - B:
                            1) Pull ups + Concentration curls + Hyperextension
                            2) (ML) B.O. row on T bar + Hammer curl + Leg curl
                            3) (ML) Dead lift + Pull down + Rear Delts
                            4) Shrugs + ABS + Forearms

                            Pull ups
                            1st: 10 x B.W. (Body weight)
                            2nd: 10 x B.W. + 4kg
                            3rd: 7 x B.W + 8kg
                            4th: 6 x B.W + 12kg
                            5th: 5 x B.W + 16kg
                            6th: 4 x B.W + 20kg New record!

                            Main lifts:
                            Bent over row on T bar
                            1st: 14 x 75kg
                            2nd: 10 x 85kg
                            3rd: 8 x 95kg Current record!
                            4th: 5 x 105kg New record Yatta

                            Dead lift
                            1st: 10 x 75kg
                            2nd: 8 x 85kg
                            3rd: 5 x 105
                            4th: 4x 115
                            5th: 1 x 121 (Shameful)

                            - Results:

                            Pull ups: 4 x B.W. + 20kg
                            Bent over row on T bar: 5 x 105kg

                            - Closure:

                            Back to the Amateur Boxing topic, I really liked
                            Serik Sapiyev fighting system, but I'm also a fan of other
                            athletes on boxing, and they are:

                            Zhou Shiming - China:
                            49kg Bronze medal - 2004 olympics (Athens)
                            49kg Gold medal - 2008 olympics (Beijing)
                            49kg Gold medal - 2012 olympics (London)
                            This is the greatest proof that an image
                            speaks more than a thousand words

                            Enkhbatyn Badar-Uugan - Mongolia:
                            54kg Gold medal - 2008 Olympics (Beijing)

                            Manus Boonjumnong - Thailand:
                            64kg Gold medal - 2004 olympics (Athens)
                            64kg Silver medal - 2008 olympics (Beijing)

                            Reito Tsutsumi - Japan:
                            60kg Gold medal - 2021 AIBA World Boxing (Poland)
                            I'am his fan because of three things:
                            1) He is very similar to my cousin (Main)
                            2) He is Highly talented
                            3) He is asian athlete

                            See you all next time, and I'm just another asian trying
                            to be like water my friend...


                              - Takeshi Saitama Routine -

                              - Swaying Mood! -


                              - Intro:

                              Hello there! I don't came here in my best, but to not be pessismist,
                              also I'm not in my worst. Somethings are disrupting my mood,
                              all that gets in the way on my training routine, makes me moody.
                              The responsible for all this mess is psoriasis, to fix this I'm taking
                              corticosteroids, but these medications have a side effect to gain
                              so much water retension, in the medication package insert says
                              that's possible gain around 20kg, last time I took corticosteroids,
                              I gained around 10kg ... this is so disheartening.

                              Watashi no namae wa Takeshi Saitama desu
                              (My name is Takeshi Saitama)

                              - Training:

                              Even dishearted, and cheating my diet, training "performance"
                              are maintaned...
                              Power building - A:
                              1) (ML) Bench Press + Leg extension + Rear delts
                              2) (ML) Squat + Peck Deck + Skull crusher
                              3) Shoulder Press + Triceps push down + Fore arms
                              4) Lateral raise + ABS + Fore arms

                              Main lifts:
                              Bench Press
                              1: 8 x 75kg
                              2: 8 x 81kg
                              3: 5 x 87kg
                              4: 5 x 93kg
                              5: 3 x 97kg
                              6: 2 x 101kg
                              As I was evolving, I think 2 x 101kg isn't bad.

                              1: 8 x 85kg
                              2: 8 x 105kg
                              3: 5 x 115g
                              4: 3 x 125kg
                              5: 3 x 135kg
                              Not to bad too.

                              I have one thing that I want to share, this can be strange or
                              maybe not... but last week I done a boxing training with my
                              first coach, where
                              Warm up (Jump rope) -> OK
                              Sparring -> OK
                              Mitt work -> Defeated
                              I got sick, I was out of breath, and in that moment I
                              remembered what I was able to do in my 20s, in this moment
                              I was ashamed for having done a bad performance and
                              understood that I'm being old for sports and this made me
                              fall in tears...

                              But again, to not be only pessimist, he (coach) said that now
                              I have power on the punches, what was my weak point at my 20s

                              - Diet:

                              Settled in 3000 kcal
                              Some days ago I saw some bodybuilders talking about Chris Aceto
                              diet plans focusing in train more intensive, and this resume in
                              Low fat
                              High carb
                              Medium to high protein
                              Just to have sure that glycogen stocks will be all fuelled.
                              ... I think this would be interesting, and I will try ...

                              - Closure:

                              I'm still sad and angry for getting old to sport and being
                              "defeated" by a mitt work.
                              But let's see what happen from now on.
                              43 days to Tokyo olympics

                              See you all next time, and I'm just another asian trying
                              to be like water my friend...


                                Bravo Takeshi, bei carichi
                                Ciao Manuel, bodyweb non sarà mai più la stessa!

