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    Per quanto riguarda quella discussione sul post workout PROTEINE SI PROTEINE NO ecco un purtroppo lungo articolo di uno con le palle quadrate, ciò non cambierà le abitudini e le convinzioni di nessuno ma è solo per arricchire la nostra cultura in materia:Nutrient consumption before, during, and following exercise
    R.J. Bloomer

    Table of Contents
    Exercise Performance
    Substrate Usage
    Exercise Recovery

    Much debate centers around meal timing and selection of foods related
    to exercise and subsequent athletic performance. With the number of
    recommendations that exist concerning the correct nutrients to consume
    prior to, during, and immediately following exercise, one would be led
    to believe that volumes of data are available on the topic. However,
    that which is marketed and spoken about as factual may in reality be
    simply speculative. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to
    provide some concrete scientific evidence, in addition to practical
    applications, for feeding as it centers around an acute bout of

    Specific to this topic, three distinct areas exist that individuals
    should be interested in. These include exercise performance and
    related factors (strength, endurance, mood state, etc.), substrate
    usage (proportion of fat, carbohydrate, and protein used to fuel the
    exercise), and exercise recovery (glycogen resynthesis, protein
    turnover, immunocompetence, etc.). While some studies have been done
    to look at how feeding effects the above variables, it is important
    that readers be aware of a few issues. First of all, from a
    scientific standpoint, 'one or two' studies supporting/refuting a
    certain claim really does not mean very much. In this case, while
    data may look promising, more information would be necessary for firm
    recommendations to be made. Secondly, subject number in many of these
    scientific experiments is relatively small (< 20) which makes
    generalizability to larger sample populations difficult. Thirdly,
    data is typically collected in a laboratory setting under the careful
    supervision of research staff (i.e., poorly paid graduate students)
    and may not apply directly to unsupervised people existing in a
    free-living environment. Lastly, there exist other variables such as
    route of administration of a particular nutrient (intravenous, oral,
    etc.), subject population being tested (obese, diseased, diabetic,
    sedentary), etc. that should be thoroughly considered relatively to
    study results. One must question whether or not the same results
    would be obtained if these things were manipulated to more closely
    represent his or her situation. Clearly, certain areas contain
    sufficient data to support recommendations, while others are not
    nearly as well researched. A well-informed individual should always
    take these things into consideration prior to accepting the latest
    claim/advice from the local guru. With this understanding, the
    following is a brief overview of the few areas that have in fact been
    sufficiently studied relative to feeding as it relates to exercise.

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    Exercise Performance
    Although it is widely accepted that protein acts sparingly as an
    exercise fuel, claims of strength increases resulting from high
    protein intakes are common. While protein supplementation has been
    proposed to increase the availability of essential amino acids during
    exercise, enhance anabolic processes promoting tissue growth, and
    accelerate the rate of recovery following training, no studies to date
    have demonstrated conclusively that an (acute or chronic) increase in
    protein intake will lead to increased strength performance-when
    factoring out other confounding variables (e.g., the increase in total
    energy consumed, trained vs. untrained state, etc.).

    The results are slightly more conclusive related to endurance
    exercise. Amino acid supplementation has been proposed to improve
    physiological and psychological responses, perhaps by altering the
    ratio of free tryptophan to branch-chain amino acids. It has been
    noted that supplementation with branch-chain amino acids (leucine,
    isoleucine, and valine) may increase aerobic work capacity and
    decrease muscle fatigue (Davis & Bailey, 1997; Mero, 1999). The role
    of these amino acids may be of greater importance during periods of
    prolonged exercise, in particular when glycogen levels are depleted,
    at which time supplemental amino acids may function to provide energy
    to fuel aerobic work. However, further research is needed for a
    definitive recommendation.

    Dietary fat intake has been proposed over the past few years to
    improve aerobic exercise performance, possibly by decreasing
    carbohydrate oxidation (sparing glycogen usage) during exercise and by
    prolonging the onset of fatigue. Although some work has been done to
    support this hypothesis (Muoio et al., 1994), the bulk of scientific
    evidence at the present time refutes this claim (Sherman & Leenders,
    1995). More long-term studies are needed in order to fully understand
    the role of dietary fat intake and it's effect on exercise
    performance. (Note: most studies involve chronic increases in fat
    consumption rather than simply consuming a high fat meal prior to an
    acute bout of exercise. In addition, no real claims have been made
    for this nutrient pertaining to strength performance).

    The one nutrient that has been shown repeatedly to favorably improve
    exercise performance is carbohydrate. Specifically, evidence clearly
    demonstrates that ingestion of adequate dietary energy and
    carbohydrate prior to and during exercise will improve performance by
    delaying fatigue, improving mood, and making available additional
    glucose to fuel the exercise bout (Balsom et al., 1999; DeMarco et
    al., 1999). Data suggest that either liquid or solid carbohydrate may
    be consumed with similar results, however liquid feedings may prove
    easier to digest and assimilate. In addition, the type, specifically
    the glycemic index (GI) of carbohydrate, may be of concern, as lower
    GI choices have been found to be more beneficial than their higher GI
    counterparts (DeMarco et al., 1999). Pertaining to postexercise
    intake, consumption of carbohydrate rich foods and beverages may lead
    to enhanced performance of subsequent athletic events, perhaps due to
    the effects of loading glycogen into the muscle to be used during
    these future (second daily session, next day session, etc.) training

    Despite the potential benefits of carbohydrate ingestion for
    performance of strength exercise (e.g., weight lifting), at present,
    little evidence is available to support this hypothesis. Although,
    noting that carbohydrate consumption is associated with positive mood
    changes (Keith et al., 1991), it is reasonable to expect an increase
    strength output under certain mood elevating conditions. However,
    systematic studies are necessary before recommendations are made
    regarding this practice.

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    Substrate Usage
    Pertaining to substrate utilization (proportion of carbohydrate,
    protein, and fat oxidized) during the exercise session, it appears
    that one only be concerned with the preexercise feeding in addition to
    that which is consumed during the actual session. The postexercise
    meal does not seem to influence substrate utilization of subsequent
    training bouts unless under conditions of severe nutrient restriction
    (e.g., carbohydrate depletion) when fatty acids (and possibly protein)
    would largely contribute to fuel the work.

    In this regard, feeding in close proximity to the onset of exercise
    tends to elevate plasma glucose and insulin, allowing for carbohydrate
    sources to be oxidized, with minimal fatty acid usage. While this may
    prove beneficial for performance, one should not expect a great deal
    of energy to be derived from fatty acid oxidation (little fat will be
    used as fuel). In addition, it is known that short-term restriction
    of dietary energy (i.e., fasting prior to exercise) is associated with
    a greater increase in growth hormone (GH) output. GH is a very
    powerful lipolytic (fat burning) hormone. As such, if elevated on a
    systematic basis, it would be expected to increase fat
    utilization/loss over time. This topic has proven controversial in
    the fitness industry, as individuals interested in losing excess body
    fat through exercise have been instructed to abstain from feeding for
    the period before and during the exercise session. However, while it
    is true that GH and fatty acid usage may be elevated following a brief
    fast, data addressing the issue of whether or not someone will
    actually be more successful at losing body fat long-term if adhering
    to this plan is inadequate. As such, recommendations to minimize
    nutrient intake for purposes of increasing fatty acid usage, at the
    possible expense of decreasing exercise performance, should be
    carefully considered.

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    Exercise Recovery
    Perhaps the area of greatest research interest over the past several
    years is that of facilitating recovery after an acute bout of
    exercise. While disagreement may still exist over the ideal energy
    intake and macronutrient composition of the feeding, postexercise
    nutrient consumption is a well-accepted practice recommended to all
    athletes and fitness enthusiasts.

    Both dietary protein and carbohydrate intake have properties that
    enhance the training effect on muscle. Specifically, both of these
    nutrients support glycogen resynthesis (Roy & Tarnopolsky, 1998;
    Zawadzki et al., 1994) and help to facilitate recovery. Studies
    support carbohydrate intake in the range of 7-10 g(kg-1 body weight
    within 24 hours after exhaustive exercise to normalize muscle glycogen
    levels (Applegate, 1999). It has been suggested that glucose/glucose
    polymers (preferably high GI choices) and fructose are most effective
    at replacing muscle and liver glycogen, respectively (Ivy, 1998).
    These may be consumed in either liquid or solid form with similar
    results (Reed et al., 1989). However, liquid supplements are
    recommended because of their greater ease in digestion. Also,
    carbohydrate intake following exercise serves to enhance cellular
    hydration when consumed with adequate fluid (Gonzalez-Alonzo et al.,
    1992). Specifically, a 6-8% carbohydrate solution should function to
    provide rapid rehydration by optimizing gastric emptying and
    intestinal absorption. Actually, this type of mixture is best
    consumed during the exercise bout to aid in performance, with the
    percentage of carbohydrate increasing following exercise in order to
    provide adequate carbohydrate to replenish glycogen stores.

    The timing of carbohydrate ingestion in relation to an exercise bout
    also appears important, particularly for competitive athletes, as
    researchers reported an increased rate of glycogen storage in subjects
    consuming carbohydrate immediately, rather than two hours postexercise
    (Ivy et al., 1988). This may only be of significance if subsequent
    training bouts are merely hours (3-4) away. However, for the average
    trainee exercising 3-4 days per week, the rate of glycogen resynthesis
    following exercise should be of little concern, assuming adequate
    carbohydrate is consumed regularly in the normal diet. Further, the
    typical 45-60 minute exercise bout is not of sufficient duration (nor
    intensity) to markedly exhaust glycogen stores.

    Other than carbohydrate, dietary protein, when added to this nutrient,
    enhances glycogen storage, as a result of the heightened insulin
    response caused by the amino acid ingestion (Roy & Tarnopolsky, 1998;
    Zawadzki et al., 1994). In this way, insulin functions to stimulate
    both muscle glucose transport and activation of glycogen synthase, the
    rate-limiting enzyme in the glycogen synthetic pathway, and leads to
    greater glycogen deposition.

    The insulin elevating effect of consuming these nutrients
    simultaneously has further reaching implications other than replacing
    depleted glycogen. For example, such an acute state of
    hyperinsulinemia may promote both anabolic and anticatabolic activity
    in muscle by stimulating protein synthesis (Fryburg et al., 1995),
    decreasing proteolysis (Biolo et al., 1995) and enhancing nitrogen
    retention (Okamura et al., 1997). These positive effects on protein
    turnover may, over time, favorably influence lean tissue accrual.

    Also important is the role of these nutrients in supporting immune
    function. High quality whey proteins have been shown to enhance
    adaptive immunocompetence when provided as a dietary supplement (Wong
    and Watson, 1995). The same is true for carbohydrate supplementation,
    particularly during prolonged or intensive exercise (Nieman, 1999).
    Mechanistically, carbohydrate supplementation can attenuate the
    typical exercise-induced rise in cortisol, and other immune responses
    that are related to physiologic stress and inflammation.

    In sum, the synergistic effect of carbohydrate and protein consumed
    postexercise may have implications for both exercise recovery and
    tissue growth, largely as a result of the hyperinsulinemic effect of
    consuming these nutrients in combination. As such, nutritional means
    of increasing insulin to promote glycogen resynthesis and favorably
    effect protein turnover, as well as to support optimal immune
    function, should be considered.

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    Based on the available science, the following conclusions can be
    drawn. Individuals attempting to maximize the results of their
    exercise training through nutritional means may consider these

    1. Consume a moderate sized, balanced meal (200-600 kcal) 2-3
    hours prior to exercise. The meal should be composed of foods that
    are familiar to the individual and that leave him or her neither
    hungry nor with undigested food in the stomach (this may involve
    minimizing dietary fat in order to speed digestion time). Extreme
    endurance athletes may find that a greater amount of energy and
    carbohydrate is beneficial. General fitness enthusiasts exercising
    for purposes of fat loss, may consider abstaining from food for the
    three to four hour period prior to exercise (or simply train first
    thing in the morning). Individuals should experiment with different
    regimens to determine which strategy works best for them.

    2. Consume fluid liberally throughout exercise. Consider using a
    carbohydrate solution (6-8%) containing added electrolytes, rather
    than simply pure water. This may be especially beneficial if
    exercising in the heat, when fluid loss from sweat is a concern. For
    exercise of extreme duration (>2 hours) consider supplementing
    carbohydrate (30-60 grams per hour).

    3. Consume adequate carbohydrate (1.5 g(kg-1 body weight) and
    protein (0.5 g(kg-1 body weight) immediately following exercise in
    order to replenish depleted glycogen stores and to favorably impact
    protein turnover and immune function.

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    Applegate, E. (1999). Effective nutritional ergogenic aids.
    International Journal of Sport Nutrition, 9: 229-39.

    Balsom, P.D., Wood, K., Olsson, P., & Ekblom, B. (1999). Carbohydrate
    intake and multiple sprint sports: with special reference to football
    (soccer). International Journal of Sports Medicine, 20, 48-52.

    Biolo, G., Declan Fleming, R.Y., & Wolfe, R.R. (1995). Physiologic
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    Muoio, D.M., Leddy, J.J., Horvath, P.J., Awad, A.B., & Pendergast,
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    Roy, B.D., & Tarnopolsky, M.A. (1998). Influence of differing
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    Sherman, W.M., & Leenders, N. (1995). Fat loading: The next magic
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    Is a calorie a calorie?
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